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Data dan Fakta Robert Edwards, Penerima Nobel Kedokteran 2010 yang Kontroversial

Data dan Fakta Robert Edwards, Penerima Nobel Kedokteran 2010 yang Kontroversial

Professor Robert Geoffrey Edwards, CBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, DSc (Hon), FRCOG (ad eundem), Hon MRCP, FRS

Date and place of Birth: Leeds, 27 September 1925

Office Address: Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Duck End Farm, Park Lane, Dry Drayton, Cambridge  CB3 8DB, UK.  Tel 01954 781812; Fax 01954 781816; email: rge@rbmonline.com

Home Address: Duck End Farm, Park Lane, Dry Drayton, Cambridge  CB3 8DB, UK.  Tel 01954 780602; Fax 01954 781171; email: edwards@duckendfarm.cambsnet.co.uk
Outside Interests
 Politics, farming, conservation, rugby, cricket

Degrees Awarded

1951        BSc (Wales)

1952    Diploma in Animal Genetics, University of Edinburgh

1955        PhD Edinburgh University
1962        DSc University of Wales
1983        Honorary DSc University of Hull
1987        Honorary DSc University of York
1988        Doctor Honoris Causa, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1991        Honorary Fellow, University College of North Wales

1992        Doctor Honoris Causa, Valencia

Doctor Honoris Causa, Mons-Hainaut University Belgium
1999        Doctor Honoris Causa, Timisoara University, Romania
2000        Laurea  Honoris Causa, University of Rome
2001        ScD (Hon) University of Cambridge
2002        Lifetime Honorary Professor, Fourth Military Medical University Xi’an, China


1936-1944        Educated in Manchester Central High School
1944-1948        Service in British Army.  Foreign service in Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq
1948-1951    Undergraduate, Dept of Zoology and Agriculture, University of Bangor, Wales
1951-1955        Postgraduate, Institute of Animal Genetics, University of Edinburgh
1955-1957    Post-Doctoral ARC Fellowship in the Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh University
        1957-1958   Population Council Research Fellow, California, Institute of Technology, California          
1958-1962    MRC Scientific Staff, National Institute for Medical Research, London
1962-1963        Research Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry, Glasgow University 
1963-1969        Ford Foundation Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
1965             Visiting Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
1966             Visiting Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1969-1985        Ford Foundation Reader in Physiology, University of Cambridge
1969-1991    Editor, Research in Reproduction, International Planned Parenthood Federation, London
1973-1976    Elected Councillor, Cambridge City Council, Chairman of Finance Panel
1974             Appointed Senior Member of Churchill College, Cambridge        
1976             Re-elected Council, Cambridge City Council
1979-1982        Senior Research Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge
1980-1990        Joint Founder and Scientific Director, Bourn Hall Clinic, Cambridge
1984-1988        Visiting Professor at the Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, Belgium         
1985-1989        Professor of Human Reproduction, University of Cambridge
1986-1989        Professorial Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge
1986-2000        Founder Editor Human Reproduction
1988-1990    Reappointed Visiting Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel,   Belgium
1989-present Visiting Professor to the University of London
1989-1992    Extraordinary Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge
1989             Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge
1991-1994    Chairman, Committee of Reproductive Physiology International Union of Physiological Sciences
1993-present Member of Academia Europea
1992-present Pensioner Fellow, Churchill College Cambridge
1994-2000        Editor, Human Reproduction Update
1995-2000    Editor, Molecular Human Reproduction

Current Activities

2000 – present  Chief Editor, Reproductive BioMedicine Online

Honours Granted

1970    Medal of American Fertility Society

1971    Darwin Medal, Institute of Biology, UK           
1973    Adair Award, American Gynecological Society
1980    Woodhull Award and Discourse, Royal Institution, London                  
            Serono Prize, American Fertility Society
1982    Axel Munthe Award, Capri                                                                                          
1983    Honorary Member of the French Society for Infertility              
1984        Fellow of the Royal Society, London
1985        Appointed Fellow ad eundem, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRCOG)
Spanish Fertility Society Gold Medal
Life Fellow of the Australian Fertility Society
Honorary Citizen of Bordeaux, France
1986        Honorary Member of the Royal College of Physicians (Hon MRCP)
1987        Gold Medal, City of Toulouse, France
1988        CBE in the New Year’s Honours, Buckingham Palace
1988-90 President, Ribblehead Sheep Show, Yorkshire
1988-90 Honorary President, British Fertility Society
1989        Co-winner, King Faisal International Prize for Medicine
1990        Honorary Member, Pacific Coast Fertility Society
1991        Steptoe Memorial Medal and Prize, British Fertility Society
Marshall Medal, Society for the Study of Fertility, UK
1992        Honorary Fellow, German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Honorary President, French Gynecological Society
Keys of San Diego City, USA
1993        Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, London
Honorary Fellow, European Society Human Reproduction and Embryology, Thessaloniki
Barbara Eck Manning Award, Resolve, USA
Opening Ceremony for the establishment of the Middle East Fertility Society: Celebratory Lecture
1994        Berthold-Gedachtnis Medal, German Society of Endocrinology
Distinguished Scientist, Annual Meeting, American Society of Reproduction & Medicine, Seattle
1995        Honorary Member, Italian Society of Anatomy
Council Member, The Galton Institute, London
1996        Pierre Soupart Lecture, Axel Munthe Award, Naples
Honorary Member of the Austrian Society of In Vitro Fertilization
1997    Visiting Professor, 110th Anniversary Celebrations, University of Hong Kong
1998    Gold Medal, University of Sassari, Sardinia
            Honorary Member, Association of UK Clinical Embryologists (ACE)
            Honorary President, Alpha – International Society for Scientists in Reproductive Medicine                     Honorary Member, Greek Fertility Society
            Honorary Fellow, International Federation of Fertility Societies, San Francisco
1999    Gold Medal Award of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Malpighi Symposium, University of Rome
            Honorary Member of the Middle East Fertility Society
            Patron, UK National Gamete Donation Trust
2000    Bertarelli Foundation Award in Reproductive Healthcare
            FIGO Recognition Award to non-Obstetricians/Gynecologists
Life Membership, Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility     
Ida Scudder Oration, Vellore, India                                                                             
Rotary Club, Chennai “For the Sake of Honour Award”                                   
2001      Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research
Honorary Membership, Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, American Society of Reproductive Medicine
2002        First Awardee of the Robert Edwards Keynote Lecture, ESHRE, Vienna
Robert Edwards Award, American Infertility Association, New York
Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award, Reproductive Biology Professional Group, ASRM
The Grand Hamdan International Award for Obstetrics and Gynecology (Infertility)
2003        Award of the Egyptian Ministry of Health
Reception Buckingham Palace “Pioneers of the Nation”

Principal/Opening Lecturer - 1998

Annual Meeting of German IVF, Guest Lecture
Honorary Lecture, Profile of a Pioneer, Patrick C Steptoe.  First Magisterial Tribune in Human Reproduction, Buenos Aires
Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Congress, Singapore
Honorary President, IVF Congress, Vancouver
Celebration of IVF, Middle East Fertility Society, Marrakech
Steptoe Memorial Lecturer, Kings College, London
Holme Lecturer, University College, London

Principal/Opening Lecturer – 1999

Italian Society of Sterility and Fertility, Milan
Implantation Meeting, Valencia
Workshop on Blastocyst development and early implantation, University of Lund
Opening lecture, Alpha/SIRT workshop, Sydney
Opening ceremony, 11th World congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Human Reproductive Genetics, Sydney
Mammalian Follicle and Oocyte Culture Workshop, Kilpisjarvi Biological Station,   Finland
Lecture to the Bertarelli Foundation, ESHRE annual meeting, Tours
Guest Lecture, Oldham Municipal Anniversary Celebrations
Honorary President, 15th Congress of International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, Rome
Honorary President, Alpha Conference, Copenhagen
Workshop on Reproductive Medicine, University of Lubeck
Lead Speaker, Middle East Fertility Society, Sharm El Sheikh

Principal/Opening Lecturer – 2000 

Opening Lecture, New Treatment Approaches in Human Reproductive Medicine, Porto, Portugal

Invited speaker, ART and the Human Blastocyst, Dana Point, California, USA
Invited speaker, The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Tel Aviv, Israel.

WHO World Congress on Medicine and Health: Medicine meets Millennium, Chairperson on Reproductive Health, Hannover

Chairperson at the joint meeting of the UK Fertility Societies, Edinburgh

Invited speaker, National Meeting of the Mexican Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Monterrey
17th Annual Howard and Georgeanna visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India
Principal/Opening Lecturer – 2001

Opening Lecture, Optimizing IVF Results, Aswan, Egypt
Honorary President, International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Antalya, Turkey
Opening Lecture, Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction, Huatulco, Mexico
Opening Lecture, 4th IVF Meeting, Osaka, Japan
Principal/Opening Lecturer – 2002
Opening Lecture, 2nd Organon Expert Meeting, Rottach-Egern, Germany
Plenary Lecture, 12th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Molecular Reproduction, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Welcome & Introduction, Toward Optimizing ART: A Tribute to Howard and Georgeanna Jones, Williamsburg, USA
Plenary Lecture, 11th World Congress on Human Reproduction, Montreal, Canada
President and Opening Lecture, 1st Mediterranean Congress on Reproductive Medicine
Principal/Opening Lecturer – 2003
Opening lecture Assisted Reproduction: past, present and future, Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK
3rd International Symposium of Reproductive Medicine, Mexico City, Mexico
Key note lecture, 2nd Mediterranean Congress of Reproductive Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt
5th International Symposium of Preimplantation Genetics, Antalya, Turkey
25 Years of IVF, A celebration of Reproductive Medicine, Roycal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, UK
Invited lecture, Norwegian Gynecology Society
Malpighi Lecture, 5th International Malpighi Symposium, Rome, Italy

source :  http://reproduction.med.duth.gr/edwardseng.html
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